Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I shop on

To make purchases on Drap Drop, registration is not necessary. However, we recommend creating an account to access exclusive customer features. How to place an order:

  • From the product page, select the desired color and size.
  • Add the product to “Add to Cart”.
  • When you’ve finished shopping, click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button in your shopping cart.
  • Enter your email and shipping address.
  • Select a shipping and payment method.
  • Verify that the entered information is correct and click on “Buy Now”.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly with the details of your order. From that point, our warehouse will take care of everything, and as soon as the order is shipped, we will notify you with another confirmation email.

Can I modify my order by adding or removing products?

Unfortunately, no. Each order is processed automatically and once confirmed, it’s not possible to alter the details.

To purchase additional products, you’ll need to place a new order; for returns, please refer to our Shipping and Returns page.

What is a pre-order and how does it work?

A pre-order is the reservation of an item that is not yet available for sale, but will be soon. The product page will display an estimated delivery date for each pre-order item. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as the package is shipped.

Pre-order purchases can only be made with a credit card.

How can I unsubscribe from the newsletters?

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, click on the Unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each one. This will open a webpage where you can confirm your desire to unsubscribe.

You may still receive some newsletters before our system processes your request.